Monday, June 18, 2007

FEATURING: Chelsey Minnis

Chelsey Minnis lives in Boulder, CO. Her most recent book, Bad Bad, was published by Fence Books.

This is a good thing to write…

Because it is a poem for money…

I have to write a poem with an indifference..

But it is a great indifference..

If this is a love poem then it is for you…


Because it is a love poem…

It is a #13 love poem…

This is a dollar bill in a jar…

And a trap for your sweet forelimb!

I call out to someone to read this.


This is soft work! It makes you weak…

If you want to write this you better write it like hype…

I like it like translucent leather…

And a gold tooth on a child…

And the dark wink of my mentor…


This poem is a wish-killer…

It’s like trying to smash the two-way window…

And trying to get broke by writing…

This is like telling someone wearing a gorilla suit you don’t really love them...


c-pain 2




.. . . . .
..............................................I am really dull with all the life in me..................

... ... . . . .

.................................................................... . . . . . . . . . .. . .





. ..................then gets wavy in myself............................................


.........because it is so hy-

drangea .................................................


............... ....................................................... ..................................

to be drunk..........................................................................................


it is like.....

.........translucent leather......


and chandeliers on the floors..........................................................


......... ......

...................... ...................and so melony......


................ .......................

... ... .

............. a paean..................................

... .


.................................. .


.......................................................... an ice cream truck song.............

........................................................... .


..........................................or a ...


......................................rosette......................... ... in the groin...............................................


...... is like .......................twigs …are.. breaking...........right...........

..............behind you ............................................... ..............................



..... . . . . . . . ..............all night long.. but...............

.................... ................

.... it is.....

....................................................................................the mongrel happiness that you can find.....




............when it ................



............................starts to go around you like a ride...........................................................

...................................................................................................and starts.......



go dark inside like a plummet................................................................................................................................



...............I know it is.......................................................................................................................

.........................................................a glass of black dirt................................................ . . . . . .






but I am just getting drunk on it............

...............................because I like to get weak......................



......................................................................I love it like chamois.........

or ..............................................................................................................

bursting open.... ranunculas............and........................ . . . . . .



............................................................... .....................................

smashing . . . . inside ..........

....................................... . . . . . . a glass crotch.......................

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